Marshall Valve Amps
Superleads (Marshall Mk II,
1959 (100W) and 1987 (50W)
are the two different "superlead" models. They
were introduced in 1965 and
are still being made as ’69 reissues. Originally
made with KT66 power tubes
(1965) but soon they were replaced by EL34s
(1966). The superleads are
easy to recognize with their four input-/no
master volume-design. The
amps feature two channels (two inputs for each,
the inputs are wired so that
they can be used to connect both channels, thus
giving you two different
sounds in one, and the level of each controllable
with a volume), bright and
normal, individual volumes for each channel and a
standard 4-band EQ. The
sound is very "rock", and very wanted. With the lack
of a master volume, the amps
rely on power tube distortion. This phenomenon
comes with a price, and the
price is volume. And when I say volume, I mean
volume. A cranked 100W amp
is VERY LOUD, therefore power attenuators are
often used to reduce the
level from stupidly loud to extremely loud. An
original 1965-68
"plexi" (the term "plexi" is used due to the fact that the
amps had gold-painted
plexiglas panels during that era) head might not be
very easy to find, and if
you find one don’t expect it to be cheap, but
superleads were made both as
JMPs (in the 70s), JCM800s (in the 80s) and
reissues (today) and you
should be able to find one used.
Tone Tips
Plexi Information:
Years are 1965 to 1969,
later in Europe. Three phases within the Plexi era:
(dates are approximate)
(mid 65-66) - block-lettered
Marshall logo, JTM45/Mk II front panel legend,
aluminum chassis,
KT66/640vA, 3" power transformer, 2" output transformer,
no external filter caps.
(67-mid 68) - gold script Marshall logo, reverse
JTM front panel legend,
steel chassis, EL34/460vA, 2" or 3" power
transformer, 1.75"
output transformer, one external filter cap. (mid 68-mid
69) - gold script Marshall
logo, JMP front panel legend, steel chassis,
EL34/500vA, 2" power
transformer, 1.75" output transformer, six external
filter caps.
JMP series (heads and
2x12" combos):
In 1976 Marshall introduced
the master volume amps (2203 (100W) and 2204
(50W)). With the master
volume, the amps no longer had to be cranked to
distort. However, no tube
amp will sound good at low volumes and these ones
are certainly no exceptions.
The amps feature two inputs (high/low), preamp-
and master volume controls
plus the standard Marshall 4-band EQ (treble,
middle, bass, presence). The
superleads (1959 and 1987) were also made in
the JMP series. Identical to
the originals except for the cabinet. All four
models (2203, 2204, 1959 and
1987) were also made as 2x12" combos (2103,
2104, 2159 and 2187). The
sound is still classic rock and with a humbucker
loaded guitar and one of
these, you’ll have no problem grinding like a
JCM 800 master volume:
The JCM 800 master volume
heads also have the model numbers 2203 and 2204
but are not identical to the
JMPs. These amps have more gain than the JMPs
and this is partially due to
a solid state clipping-circuit that was added
for this sole purpose. Some
tube-fanatics consider this to be a work of
Satan and refuse to play JCM
800s. Being a work of Satan or not, the Mk II
master volumes still provide
a sound that lots of people love. The sound is
quite dark and barky with an
accentuated upper midrange, so if you're
looking for the scooped-mid
Metallica sound, look elsewhere or buy an EQ and
a distortion pedal. These
are no-nonsense machines for more classic rock
sounds. They can indeed be
criticized for having basically just one sound,
but what a sound! Lots of
people consider that sound to be THE sound...
JCM 800 superleads:
Basically identical to the
original superleads but fitted in the modern bold
JCM 800 split channels:
Being the first Marshall
with channel switching capabilities, the split
channel amps (heads: 2205
(50W) and 2210 (100W)) became very popular for
their versatility. The clean
channel is by no means clean in the real
essence of the word, but to
the early 80s Marshall devotees it was something
completely new. The
overdrive channel sounds a lot like the master volumes’
and is clearly where these
amps excel. Also fitted with a reverb (not
indiviual for each channel)
and an FX loop, the split channels were Marshall
’s first hi-tech amps. The
split channels are a little harder to find used
than the master volumes, but
you should be able to find one. It sounds quite
like its brother, the master
volume, but with some (limited) channel
switching capabilities.
General JCM 800 info:
Introduced in 1981 (split
channel amps in 1982) and discontinued in 1989.
Superleads are available as
heads only, 50W split channel and master volume
amps available as heads,
1x12" and 2x12" combos, while 100W split channel
and master volume amps were
available as heads and 1x12" combos. Pre-1984
JCM 800s for the American
market were shipped with 6550 power tubes and
sounds a lot different from
the EL34-equipped "standard" ones. Converting an
originally 6550-equipped amp
to accept EL34s is a minor mod and should cost
you more than £30. The 2203
was reissued in 1995 as a special limited
edition amp in red tolex,
with matching 4x12" cabs.
25/50 silver jubilee series:
Also a split channel amp,
introduced in 1987 to celebrate 25 years of
Marshall amps and Jim
Marshall’s 50 years in the music business. The front
panel layout is simpler than
the JCM 800 split channels’ with only one gain
knob, one "lead
master" and one "output master". The gain and the "output
master" knobs are
push-pull and activates "rhythm clip" and lead channel
respectively. The amps were
made in silver/grey tolex and also feature a
half/full power switch
(pentode/triode) and an FX loop, but no reverb.
Generally considered to be
one of the best sounding (Yes, I know that "best"
is a relative term...)
Marshalls ever, it's a little brighter sounding than
the "ooouumphy"
JCM 800s, but not as bright as a JCM 900. These amps will
give you a sound that'll
suit almost anywhere in the rock spectrum of music,
from Jimi Hendrix and Led
Zeppelin to Metallica. The jubilee amps have
recently become something of
a collector's item and finding one could
require some serious
research. The 2555 was reissued in 1996 as the JCM
Slash signature amp, with
vintage 30s-equipped 4x12" cabs.
JCM 900 master volumes:
The JCM 900 master volume
was designed to give the late 80s metal bands what
they wanted the most, MORE
GAIN. And more gain they got. However, the sound
of the 900s is not as ballsy
as the 800s’. To get the extra gain, the diode
clipping-circuit was
modified which in turn gave not only more gain but also
a somewhat buzzier and
brighter distortion. But the players loved it anyway,
and lots of people still do.
By backing the gain off, you decrease the
amount of solid
state-clipped signal (the clipping circuit is fed with less
signal the lower the gain is
set) and you can get some killer, more vintage
"true tubeish"
tones out of these amps. The tones produced by these amps
will first and foremost suit
modern thrash metal, hardcore or punk players
who don’t need a clean
sound. In 1994 the Mk III was replaced by the Mk
IIII, also known as the SLX.
These amps feature an extra ECC83 (12AX7)
preamp tube and even more
gain than the original JCM 900 master volumes.
JCM900 dual reverbs:
Featuring a clean channel
with some real headroom, sounding a lot less
"Marshall" than
previous "clean" Marshall-made channels. The overdrive
channel is less buzzy than
the JCM 900 master volume and does not have as
much gain. Front panel
functions include individual gain controls for each
channel, a shared 4-band EQ,
and individual reverb and master volume
controls. Without knowing
it, Marshall made an amp that suited the next
generation of
"alternative" bands. When the gain is set low on the overdrive
channel it'll sound somewhat
"retro" and turning it up a bit (not past 2
with humbuckers, preferably
in neck position) results in a chunky ballsy
tone. Scooping out the mids
and turning everything else up will give you an
sound, that can be used for more "metal" applications.
General JCM 900 info:
The JCM 900s were originally
equipped with EL34 power tubes, but from 1994
onwards they came with 5881
power tubes due to the fact that, at that time,
EL34s were becoming hard to
find. The die-hard Marshall user's consider this
a cop out, while others
(including me) think that putting 5881s into the
900s were a not-so-bad move
since 5881s made the 900s sound less brittle and
a little more ballsy.
Anyway, it’s no big deal modding a 5881-equipped amp
to accept EL34 tubes. The
master volumes' came as 50W heads and 1x12" and
2x12" combos and 100W
heads and 1x12" combos. The dual reverbs came as
heads, 1x12" and
2x12" combos in both 100W and 50W models. No SLX combos
were ever made.
The most versatile Marshall
to date. Three completely individual channels,
clean, crunch and lead.
Clean is clean, jazzy clean or country clean or pop
clean, you decide. Crunch
features three gain modes (A, B and C), A gives
you classic superlead
crunch, B takes you into 2203 territory and C gives
you the SLX scream, and a
little more. The lead channel continues where the
crunch channel stops. Insane
amounts of gain, I haven’t heard more gain
coming from an amp, with a
possible exception for the JCM 2000. Whatever
your preferences might be,
the anniversary series amps has got the sound for
you. The design is also very
hi-tech. Channel switching is
MIDI-controllable, the FX
loop has individual levels for each channel and is
switchable from serial to
parallel, the power amp features two different
damping modes (low and high)
and an "auto" option that automatically assigns
the "right" mode
for each channel, a recording compensated balanced XLR
output, a low/high switch
for pickup compensation and a "low volume
compensation" that
fattens the tone up a bit at low volumes. The anniversary
series amps were introduced
in 1992 and the first year the amps were made in
blue tolex. Special
(brass-plated chassis, gold logotype) limited edition
series amps were also made
in 1992. The series were continued unmodified,
but in black tolex, until
late 1994 when the lead channel was re-designed
and the amps renamed with an
"LM" after the model number. The LM amps are
all fitted with 5881 power
tubes as opposed to the EL34s that the originals
came with.